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About Us

Loving on kids since 2020

Meet The Owner


Bryanna Devine

    Introducing Miss Bry, a loving mother of three who finds joy in exploring the outdoors near lakes and rivers. Her favorite color is orange and she has a love for trying new foods and going on exciting adventures. She is the owner and operator with five years of experience in childcare, Miss Bry is dedicated to creating a secure and nurturing environment for children.


    • We Are A Family!

      • We Respect One Another

    • Enthusiasm

      • Bringing positive high energy to our work

    • We Put Children First

      • Even though we can get frustrated easily, we get to their level and try to understand them on an emotional level

    • We Strive To Be The Best

      • We are going to make mistakes; it is how we respond and change that matters most

    • We Have Fun

      • This job is fun if you make it fun!

    Health & Safety

    Busy Bee’s Childcare Sick Child Policy

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines regarding children enrolled in the daycare center who show signs of illness, or who may be absent with a contagious disease.



    Exclusion Signs and Symptoms

    Readmission Criteria




    • -  Temp at or above 100.4 degrees F.

    • -  Temp at or above 100.4 degrees F.

      with one other positive symptom or if less than six months of age

    Fever has been absent for 24 hours without medicine



    -Flat, spreading ring shaped lesion

    24 hours after physician’s care and ringworm treatment begins (need note from Dr. to return)


    Strep Throat

    -Sore or reddened throat accompanied by a fever; may cause headache, loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes in neck, and bad breath

    48 hours after physician’s visit and antibiotic treatment begins (need note from Dr. to return)


    Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

    Red, watery eyes with thick, yellowish discharge; puffy appearance to eyes

    Discharge has diminished to the point that the eyes are no longer runny and under treatment for at least 24 hours (need note from Dr. to return)


    Diarrhea and Vomiting

    2 or more incidents within a 4-hour period

    24 hours after last incident of diarrhea or vomiting and no medicine


    Persistent Cough (with one positive symptom)

    24 hours after symptoms subside


    Sore Throat (with one positive symptom)

    Sore or reddened throat and/or symptom is no longer present


    Head Lice

    Live lice on the scalp or nits attached to the hair

    24 hours after treatment and there are no lice or nits present


    Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

    24 hours fever free, no open or draining blisters (need note from Dr. to return)


    For other sicknesses and questions, they can be found in our parent handbook when you register your child.

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